Friday, July 15, 2011

The Oriental Darter or Indian Darter (Anhinga melanogaster)

Just as this darter was about to land, it dragged one of its wings on the surface of the lake startling a few fishes in the process, some of them jumped out of the water.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Great white pelican

Great white pelican, originally uploaded by wildlens.

After watching this beautiful sight we came to know that the pelican is carrying a piece of a fishing net which it was able to break through. a few month ago other birds were not so lucky and here was proof that nothing was being done to stop illegal fishing.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Monsoon Magic !!!!

Was roaming on the terrace one day with the camera when the clouds rolled in, 
i shot this black kite just as it entered the area of backlit clouds,
underexposing a little to get the desired result.

Nikon D7000 with Sigma 50-500 DG on tripod. 
Aperture priority mode at f8, iso 1600 EV -0.3.

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