Thursday, November 19, 2009

One of our image - "Wild Ass @ Little Rann of Kutch"
is on page 40 in the December issue
of "Popular Photography" magazine (USA)

Our image in this month's "Popular Photography" Magazine

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Asiatic lion on the prowl

The light was really low when the lion got up
and start patrolling its territory.

could not get a sharp shot at 500mm setting
of the 50-500mm lens when it was sitting.

As we were in a car, we used a beanbag and zoomed out
to 195 mm to reduce the blur, panned the camera while squeezing
the shutter on continuous shooting mode
to increase the chance of getting a sharp frame.

1/13 sec at f8 the camera was on 800 ISO.

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